Teapot Making Workshop- SOLD OUT!

Throwing Teapots with Suzy Dunser

2 Day workshop

Hands-on making teapots with demonstration by Suzy

Members-only workshop | $160.00 Numbers are limited.

For intermediate and experienced potters who can centre reliably and throw a cylinder that is taller than it is wide.

If you are interested please email canterburypotters@gmail.com with the subject line teapot workshop with Suzy.

16-17 July 09:00-15:30


Saggar Firing Workshop- SOLD OUT!

Saggar Firing Workshop with Penny De Jong: 19 August & 21 August

Saggar firing is the method of creating confined atmospheres in a kiln within a container or saggar. Depending on the type of firing, the saggar can be made out of anything from the traditional refractory clay to newspaper.

In the ceramic saggar process, various organic and combustible materials can be added including copper wire, seaweed, grasses, flowers, sawdust, copper carbonate, Epsom salts and table salt.


Members only event. Numbers limited. Register your interest by emailing canterburypotters@gmail.com.

Prior to the saggar firing – you will need to make items for the saggar firing. A total of A4 x 20cm size bisque fired pieces. Instructions on this process will be emailed to participants.